The power behind Regina King's directorial debut (adapted by Kemp Powers from his own play) One Night in Miami… is epitomized by an exchange between Malcolm X ...
Writer/director Philippe Lacôte looks to tell a tale of the Ivory Coast and its most recent two decades of civil war and strife with his latest film Night of t...
A film about an infection and the upset, paranoia, and unease that follows is, well, tailor-made for right now. There is no better time, then, to see director ...
It doesn’t take long to explain a film like Hopper/Welles in relative detail. In 1970, Dennis Hopper took a break from editing The Last Movie and flew to Los A...
With the coronavirus pandemic causing TIFF to go online and reduce their line-up, this year’s Short Cuts programme has been whittled down to 35 films across 5 ...
Six years after the release of her debut Palo Alto, Gia Coppola returns with Mainstream, a media satire set in sunny Los Angeles about a couple of disaffected ...
Biographical documentaries, just like the biographical narrative film, tend to benefit from some specificity. Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs movie was quickly forgot...
Apples is set in a world where digital technology seems not to exist, yet the psychic imprint of the digital age hangs heavy over first-time director Christos ...
The fall film festival season, one unlike any other, continues on as BFI London Film Festival have announced the full lineup for their 68th edition. Featuring ...
It’s late February and Abel Ferrara is sitting on the couch of a Berlin hotel room, slouched beside is his friend, muse, and confidante Willem Dafoe. They look...