Welcome to the return of Intermission, a spin-off podcast from The Film Stage Show. Led by yours truly, Michael Snydel, I invite a guest to discuss an art...
Repeating the blissfully perfect, pure ode to pleasure that is Magic Mike XXL would be a fool’s errand, so nearly a decade later––with Steven Soderbergh back i...
It's that time of year again. While some directors annually share their favorite films of the year, Steven Soderbergh lists everything he consumed, media-wise....
The return of Ethan Hunt isn't the only franchise worth getting excited for in 2023. Seven years after leading one of the best sequels of all-time, Mike Lane—a...
Lodge Kerrigan's Keane has languished on DVD for the better part of 20 years—exactly the environment that makes it the rare modern(ish) film we might call a cu...
The double-edged sword of modern technology—the simplification it can offer our lives and its all-consuming pervasiveness—is at the heart of Kimi, Steven Soder...
Steven Soderbergh movies practically come faster than they're made, but so long as the recent standard of quality from his HBO Max work—and how Let Them All Ta...
It's that time of year again. While some directors annually share their favorite films of the year, Steven Soderbergh lists everything he consumed, media-wise....
Three Colors, Koker, Before, Dollars, Godfather... a quick smattering of the great film trilogies, each a narrative and thematic union that has enraptured seri...
Welcome, one and all, to the latest episode of The Film Stage Show! Today, Brian Roan, Bill Graham, and Robyn Bahr are joined by Vikram Murthi to discuss Steve...