After staying relatively quiet since the release of The Grandmaster, Wong Kar-wai has been busy the past few months. He began production on his first project s...
With his films growing in popularity and success––capped off by his highest earner Baby Driver––Edgar Wright received the backing to direct his first documenta...
The striking Pebbles is set in Arittapatti, a village in southern India terrorized by draught so persistent it has turned fields of green into yellowish dust a...
First Date contains all the trappings of a first film. With a minimal budget, the technicality of Darren Knapp and Manuel Crosby’s debut feature falters, unabl...
Sidestepping the curse that has befallen lesser behind-the-scenes documentaries taking on subjects with an immense archival body amassed over the course of dec...
The pandemic weirdness continues as we hit February and see … Oscar contenders? I'm not going to be talking about the posters for The Father (limited, ...
It’s difficult to know where to begin when telling a story as vast as California’s wildfires, which with stunning frequency seem to have an impact on two very ...
With Sundance Film Festival now in the rearview, it's time to look at the worthwhile new releases of February. Featuring the roll-out of Oscar hopefuls, imagin...
Let's dispel the boilerplate ruminations on John Carpenter maybe, likely never directing another movie. Not enough that a retirement-of-sorts watching basketba...
Clint Bentley’s Jockey sources its strength from its casting. Led by a career-best Clifton Collins Jr. and supported by more-than-solid performances from Molly...