The well-crafted What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael is a fascinating tribute to a maverick film critic who celebrated high and low art indiscriminately...
A riveting and creepy slow burn, Something Else imagines a second kind of “darkness on the edge of town," that feeling one might experience right between teenho...
We learn early in Framing John DeLorean that many films about the famed car maker have died on the vine in pre-production, yet Don Argot and Sheena Joyce try–wi...
An affectionate documentary chronicling the life of 90-year-old Holocaust survivor and taboo breaker Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Ryan White's Ask Dr. Ruth, is often de...
From the streets of Aberdeen, Scotland to Freehold, New Jersey the emotions are all the same: young men and women dream of abandoning the “suicide trap” of a sm...
Had Training Day been made today it would have to contend with the changing role of policing in the age of the body camera and the armchair lawyer with a tiny b...
If anything, Abel Ferrara’s lovingly crafted personal documentary The Projectionist answers a question has plagued many a hardcore New York-based cinephile at o...
Adapted from his 2013 documentary of the same title, Dan Krauss’ The Kill Team is an alarming look at the culture of toxic masculinity, turning a documentary ab...
Set in the rough and tumble world of South Buffalo–the streets that raised tough guys like the crude former New York State gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino...
Based upon Anna Todd’s novel–which itself has been described as a work of One Direction fan fiction–After is a mild entry into the good girl takes a walk on the...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.