Arriving about two years after a series of revelations brought to public predatory behavior that’s been at the core of the film industry since its inception, Ki...
The thesis of the impeccably directed Dogs Don't Wear Pants is that you can teach a dog new tricks, especially if that dog has a threshold and an appetite for e...
It’s no wonder Netflix is distributing the latest work in the Shaft cinematic universe internationally, skipping a theatrical release in many territories. Tim S...
There's perhaps no genre Danny Boyle can’t work within. On the opposite spectrum from his darker works, Yesterday is a flawed yet mostly effective light and flu...
Written and directed by Paul Shoulberg, the odd and occasionally profound dark comedy Ms. White Light features a unique profession at its core: the morality ind...
Set deep in the heart of Texas, Daniel Laabs’ Jules of Light and Dark explores the landscape of recovery as an unlikely friendship is formed between college stu...
If anything, Safe Spaces gets right what it’s like to be on the lowest wrung of the career ladder in academia. Justin Long stars as Josh, a creative writing and...
Beyond Cinderella’s castle and Universal’s Islands of Adventure is the long-forgotten Redneck Orlando. I use the term because the family at the center of Red, W...
Directed by sound editor Midge Costin, Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound provides a rich overview of motion picture sound, from the era in which sounds w...
You don’t need immersive technologies like Dolby Cinema, Screen X or 4DX to feel the effects of The Hustle. After 94 minutes without a single laugh, you’ll defi...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.