been depressing to watch America fall so far since I have been able to vote. Every
passing year has seen the issues grow partisan to the point of renderin...
Marcel Marceau's
first public performance was in front of three thousand troops after Paris was
liberated during World War II. It wasn't some USO stunt, though...
all like to believe that we have some semblance of control over our lives. Do
we, though? How much of our identity is dictated by social conditioning? Maybe...
"Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover" is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column foc...
Hunter (Haley
Bennett) has never had control over her life. She's tried her hardest to claim
some, however, by giving away her love. She gave it to a mother wh...
One person's optimal
drama isn't universal. Just because you might like the explosiveness of Marriage Story and its emotional outrage
doesn't mean your friend ...
Beasts of the Southern Wild was the indie darling of 2012 having racked up
prestigious festival wins en route to four Oscar nominations. Despite being credited...
A lot happens during the course of director Matthew Pope and co-writer Don M. Thompson's Blood on Her Name … too much. This can prove problematic for what star...
Die-hard grunge fan (and drug dealer) Fred (Noah Parker) tells Catherine (Kelly Depeault) she can't play her Hole CD because Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. ...
Sometimes your dream isn't much of a dream at all. Maybe reality sets in after you're already well along the path taken in error. Perhaps the epiphany arrives ...