After the initial announcement, the 2022 Cannes Film Festival has added a handful of new titles across its various sections. Most notably, Albert Serra's newes...
Two more sidebars at this year's Cannes Film Festival have unveiled their lineup. First up, Critics Week (aka La Semaine de la Critique), which brings together...
Taking place in its newly minted summer slot of June 8-19, the 2022 edition of Tribeca Festival has now unveiled its film lined up. First, some stats: The fea...
Kicking off this week at NYC's Film at Lincoln Center and The Museum of Modern Art, the 51st edition of New Directors/New Films brings together highlights from...
One of the major titles of the 2022 Cannes Film Festival lineup is from Hirokazu Koreeda, who last visited the festival with Shoplifters and took home the Palm...
Following the main lineup, Quinzaine des Réalisateurs aka Directors' Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival has unveiled their 2022 slate. Featuring the already...
One of the best surprises of this morning's Cannes Film Festival lineup announcement was that not only are we getting the world premiere of a new David Cronenb...
After a skipped year and then a delayed year, the Cannes Film Festival is now back in its usual spring slot, taking place May 17 through 28. After many rumors ...
If you knew where to look during the pandemic, there were a number of bread crumbs that David Lynch was up to... something. The director, of course, churned ou...
Dolly Parton was everywhere at SXSW, from her documentary Still Working 9-5 to her collaboration with Blockchain Creative Labs which involved both a well-recei...