With his first documentary Minding the Gap, Bing Liu turned the lens on himself and his friends to examine the domestic violence around them. One of the more h...
The trauma of pregnancy and childbirth is fertile ground for horror cinema, which makes it surprising that there aren't more films centered on this topic. We c...
There’s a scene in Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road that’s different from the many Brian Wilson documentaries. The artist is riding around Southern California ...
If not for a Ubisoft logo revealing the game company as a producer of Werewolves Within, I would be wondering what the point of buying licensing rights was sin...
Following her debut theatrical feature Raw––which depicted a vegetarian's first week at veterinary school, when they soon develop a taste for meat of the human...
Jim Cummings has become something of an indie film wunderkind, making low-budget, critically-acclaimed projects that hit festivals and reach the depths of Film...
Summer 2021 is the 25th anniversary of one of the biggest concerts in British music history: Oasis at Knebworth. (Documentary coming soon, of course.) The two-...
Mark, Mary & Some Other People represents a leap for Hannah Marks, the 28-year-old director premiering her first solo directorial narrative feature at the ...
A home invasion thriller with a few predictable twists and turns, See For Me has an intriguing concept that could have transcended the boundaries of a well-wor...
It’s easy to approach as of yet with the same cynicism that one approaches many other pandemic-shot films that take place over text messages, group chats, and ...