After his overlooked procedural Dark Waters, Todd Haynes is moving full steam ahead on a number of projects. He'll premiere his documentary The Velvet Undergro...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...
“I always make mistakes,” says the emotionally vulnerable Jinsook (Oh Yun-hong) toward the end of Hong Sangsoo’s The Power of Kangwon Province. While her confe...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about filmmakers! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that they mad...
If one wants their voice heard in the year 2021, start a podcast. So it goes for Lennon (Sylvie Mix), a poser with some delusional behaviors who lies to cultiv...
After a hiatus as theaters in New York City and beyond closed their doors during the pandemic, we're delighted to announce the return of NYC Weekend Watch, our...
Theo Anthony’s movies are meticulously researched but, in his opinion, if he’s done his job you won’t know it. His new project All Light, Everywhere is broken ...
Following up his love-it-or-hate-it Climax, director Gaspar Noé secretly shot a new film this past spring and it's among the additions to the Cannes Film Festi...
The background of how Infinite was optioned is a fun, anecdotal tale steeped in what some might construe as fate, others simply dismiss as dumb luck. In 2009 f...
In the spirit of intrepid, globetrotting adventurers like Werner Herzog, the new documentary Echoes of the Invisible turns its lens onto explorers who traverse...