For his first narrative feature Natural Light, Hungarian filmmaker Dénes Nagy (who has worked in documentary since as far back as 2008) follows in the footstep...
As one half of the incendiary and oddly prescient Red Scare podcast, the Belarusian-born, New York-based actress, writer, and (now) filmmaker Dasha Nekrasova o...
Never doubt a documentary filmmaker's propensity to eke out the narrowest of niches. We've had films on spelling bees and İstanbullu kitties, but the latest co...
With early rollouts of vaccines offering a sliver of silver lining to this most tumultuous of years, film festivals around the world already begin anticipating...
To skin a quote from The Social Network, it’s probably better to be accused of necrophilia these days than to be accused of whaling. Less so in the world of Th...
In the new Azerbaijani film In Between Dying, a man goes on the run after shooting a low-end criminal. Over the course of a day, he encounters a number of wome...
An opening shot of Frederick Wiseman’s National Gallery shows a man polishing the floor of a room walled with masterpieces. Recently writing about the moment f...
We're in Kobe in 1940 on the eve of war. An English businessman is being forcefully ejected from his factory by a group of soldiers. "What has become of Japan?...
It doesn’t take long to explain a film like Hopper/Welles in relative detail. In 1970, Dennis Hopper took a break from editing The Last Movie and flew to Los A...
Six years after the release of her debut Palo Alto, Gia Coppola returns with Mainstream, a media satire set in sunny Los Angeles about a couple of disaffected ...
Irish-born, Berlin-based, Rory O'Connor has been covering the European film festival circuit since 2012. A regular contributor to The Film Stage, his work has also appeared in Frieze, The Playlist, and CineVue.