Early on in Creed, the seventh installment of the Rocky franchise, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) shadowboxes in front of a screen projecting footage of a bou...
Part Reefer Madness for the plugged-in generation, part Giallo slasher, and part coming-of-age psychodrama, #Horror is filled with the type of craziness that so...
The past few years have seen nearly everyone within the Judd Apatow orbit look inward, writing stories of begrudging but graceful maturity, building that rely ...
The first hurtle of making a documentary about any legend is to avoid being a hagiography. One of the most pervasive criticisms of reverential docs is the parad...
Uncle Nick could still turn out to be a black comedy yuletide classic, but it’s going to be foremost remembered as a piece of trivia as the only (first?) co...
We’re only a little more than a month out from Quentin Tarantino’s latest opus, The Hateful Eight, but we’re finally starting to see some concrete informati...
2015 has seen its share of innovative stand-alone animated features ranging from the surrealist grotesqueries of Bill Plimpton’s Cheatin’ to the technicolor...
Nick Berardini couldn’t center on a more prescient subject for his debut documentary, Killing Them Safely. The subject of police brutality has become a boilin...
Miss You Already is the rare cancer movie that’s uninterested in holding the audience hostage. Rather, it uses the context of a cancer story to show the totalit...
News has still been coming out at a trickle about David Yates pseudo adaptation of Harry Potter companion piece Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them -- J...