Set in a time before Uber, smartphones, and mass social networking, Brandon LaGanke and John Carlucci’s Drunk Bus is a nostalgic look at college life in small-...
In any other time and in any other place, She Dies Tomorrow would be a lucid and unsettling film. Screened in the height of a global pandemic, it is difficult ...
Starting with the work of Joy Buolamwini of the MIT Media Lab, Shalini Kantayya’s Coded Bias is an alarming look at the imperfections of technology trusted to ...
Emotionally affecting if somewhat unfocused at times, Kim A. Snyder’s US Kids is an often inspirational documentary capturing the energy and personalities behi...
Directed by Sarah Brennan Kolb, Good Ol Girl is an evocative look at three women working their way up the hierarchy of Texas cattle ranching, featuring self-s...
The all-female punk band that defined mall culture in the early 1980s with the opening tune of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Go-Go's are still shockingly k...
If you’ve been paying attention in this digital age, The Social Dilemma will not tell you what you already did not know. Director Jeff Orlowski, best known for...
A unique and authentic film that captures African American life in deep in heart of Fort Worth, Texas, Channing Godfrey Peoples' Miss Juneteenth is a warm and ...
An immersive documentary, Jerry Rothwell’s The Reason I Jump places us internally within the mind of the nonverbal autistic, allowing empathy to flow in. Inspi...
Call him the Bernie Sanders of Kenya. In a country where voters come with their hands out seeking bribes, Boniface “Softie” Mwangi has been able to raise enoug...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.