The second installment to the Wimpy Kid franchise, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules opened with a successful weekend atop the box office. It earned just over $24 million, easily outlasting the lukewarm Sucker Punch. Zack Snyder’s latest actioner earned only $19 million in its debut weekend.
In third, Limitless earned an additional $15 million in its second weekend. That has now garnered $41 million. Rango continued to perform, in 5th place this weekend, earning $9.8 million. It has now grossed $106 million in its 4th week.
Next week sees the start of Russell Brand season has his voice leads the animated flick Hop, ahead of Arthur (opening in two weekends). It will go up against Source Code. It’s a really hard one to call, but given the animation draw, I will say Hop by a hair. Also opening is Insidious and the controversial PG-13 recut of The King’s Speech in around 1,000 theaters.
Check out the top 10 (movie- weekend; total)
1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules– $24,400,000; $24,400,000 (debut)
2. Sucker Punch– $19,015,000; $19,015,000 (debut)
3. Limitless– $15,225,000; $41,281,000
4. The Lincoln Lawyer– $11,000,000; $28,967,000
5. Rango– $9,800,000; $106,363,000
6. Battle: Los Angeles– $7,600,000; $72,580,000
7. Paul– $7,506,000; $24,610,000
8. Red Riding Hood– $4,340,000; $32,453,000
9. The Adjustment Bureau – $4,245,000; $54,871,000
10. Mars Needs Moms– $2,186,000; $19,152,000
Which did you see this weekend? Will you Source Code next weekend?