The visually masterful filmmaker Tarsem recently told Empire about his new film, War of the Gods:

“It’s  turning into, basically, Caravaggio meets Fight Club,” he said.  “It’s a really hardcore action film done in Renaissance painting style. I want to see how that goes; it’s turned into something really cool. This guy who I really love, who’s the only one person in it right now, is the brother in The Tudors, Henry Cavill. I’m going for a very contemporary look on top of that so I’m kind of going with, you know, Renaissance time with electricity. So it’s a bit like Baz Luhrman doing Romeo + Juliet in Mexico; it’s just talking a particular Greek tale and half contemporising it and telling it.”

Tarsem’s most recent film, The Fall, was one of the most beautiful of the year. As a result of about fourteen years of location scouting, every frame could be admired. The only thing lacking was the story. It looks his next film will more than make up for it. Here is the plot:

A purported bastard who retains an allegiance to his mother despite the fact that he longs to join the quest of a king who is battling demons in ancient Greece later embarks on a grail of discovery that has him finding he is the king’s son and also fated to become his country’s greatest hero as he leads the successful war against long-imprisoned Titans who are hoping to use the demons to restore their power.

It is scheduled to start shooting next month and be released in 2010.

Did you like The Fall? Are you excited for War of the Gods?

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