A decade ago Argentine filmmaker Mariano Llinás released his four-hour drama Extraordinary Stories, which was only a taste of what to expect when it came to...
Many know the tale of William Wallace, the Scottish knight who was a prominent leader in the First War of Scottish Independence, as portrayed by Mel Gibson in a...
Arriving in theaters five years after it was filmed (and three years after it was scheduled to premiere at TIFF), London Fields has as much baggage as its leadi...
One of the best surprises of the fall season is that Brady Corbet's second feature, following the harrowing The Childhood of a Leader, will be arriving much...
The wait for his Tilda Swinton collaboration, Memoria, is long -- three years since Cemetery of Splendour, seven months since its reveal, at the very least ...
After hearing about a handful of festival titles for at least the past month (and perhaps beyond), a number of much-acclaimed films arrive in October alongside a few essential documentaries, and more....
I can't think of a better term to describe Esther Rots' Retrospekt than her own: "sensory cinema." We get a feeling for what this means during the opening scene...
It's 19th century Vietnam and fourteen-year-old May (Nguyen Phuong Tra My) has just been married to a wealthy landowner named Hung (Long Le Vu). She wears a gen...
A film ten years in the making, anthropologist Sine Plambech and her director husband Janus Metz's open a door with Heartbound onto an intriguing humanist story...