The South African director behind cinematic adaptations of John van de Ruit’s comedic, teen-lit Spud series hits the Toronto International Film Festival with hi...
A woman sits at the edge of a bed, brushing her hair while a young boy and girl are positioned to her side, sleeping soundly. The camera, stationary, can captur...
Opening with a hilarious (and extremely awkward) first date at an empty restaurant, Juan Cavestany’s People In Places is unapologetically strange and often very...
Imagine for a moment if the heroes of Klown, Frank and Casper, landed in the 60's, at the height of the sexual revolution, and started taking over small Danish ...
While Alfonso Cuarón adhered to the truth that there is no sound in space with his upcoming thriller Gravity, it won't be a near-silent experience. Composer...
We'd have to imagine after the instantly acclaimed 12 Years a Slave hits theaters, it'll be at least slightly easier for director Steve McQueen to pull toge...
A non-violent, secular movement began in Syria in early 2011 led by young protestors calling for democratic freedoms and the fall of president Bashar al-Assad’s...
The narrative-driven documentary Beyond the Edge, arriving on the 60th anniversary of the first successful Everest summit by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norg...
In an opening sequence, as he's arriving to adult prison, Eric (Jack O’Connell) is given a thorough inspection in a moment that clues us in to the kind of movie...