A haunting slow-burn thriller turned coming out story, Make Up is an atmospheric and somewhat provocative tale of Ruth (Molly Windsor), a young woman brought i...
There’s a scene in Małgorzata Szumowska’s dark, stomach-churning, brilliant drama The Other Lamb that perfectly encapsulates the life-on-the-outside longing of...
Alice Gu’s moving documentary The Donut King isn’t just a sugary concoction. Although the documentary has its sweet moments, it's a rather nuanced and often he...
As attendees of SXSW, TIFF, and other major festivals know, they are as local as they are international, often featuring audience members representing a politi...
Making a movie about the college experience feels both universal and redundant. Haven't we all seen this film before? Haven't we watched this world played out ...
With movie theaters having to close their doors to curb the spread of coronavirus, it also meant many previously scheduled festivals had to cancel, postpone, o...
It's difficult to exactly quantify the impact of Cristi Puiu's second feature. The Death of Mr. Lazarescu is a film about an ambulance worker's attempts to get...
Hillarious and well researched, Heather Ross’ For Madmen Only is an American Splendor-esque portrait of Del Close, a genius that is likely little known outside...
An essential documentary for video game fanatics of a certain age (and perhaps only for that demographic), Insert Coin is a comprehensive look at Williams-Ball...
The Boy Who Sold The World is an entertaining look at boy genius Ben Pasternak, a master of the universe in the making (or has he already arrived?). One has to...