Only three years ago, Danish director Gustav Möller made The Guilty, a single-room thriller focused on an operator attempting to save a kidnapped woman. Met wi...
Those who know Lucile Hadzihalilovic’s work will recognize a new film as an event. Having only made two features this century––2004’s Innocence and 2015’s Evol...
Writer-director Haya Waseem's feature debut Quickening is not about a pregnancy. Knowing this is crucial enough that she opens the film with the definition of ...
The plan is simple but risky. Javier (Javier Gutiérrez) has worked at a juvenile delinquent center for two decades, interacting with all kinds of troubled teen...
It really is strange to look back almost 30 years and realize just how seminal Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill was to rock music. Being only thirteen at...
It's been four years since Renée (Rhéanne Vermette) left home without a word. Four years that her brother Modeste (Jack Theis) and his wife Elenore (Valerie Ma...
Writer-director Michel Franco throws the first curveball early during his latest film Sundown. We've already spent a bit of time with his quartet of European c...
Screenwriter Chris Sparling takes us back to the script that put him on the Hollywood map with Lakewood. Much like his isolated one-man show Buried, it focuses...
Despite leaving writer-director Kate Dolan's feature debut You Are Not My Mother with a lot more questions than answers, I don't think that reality is necessar...
There's an interesting lesson to be learned at the center Laurent Cantet's Arthur Rambo—one it's honestly shocking to think still needs to be learned. I don't ...