Following up yesterday's Hugh Jackman-centered character poster for Les Miserables, it's time for Russell Crowe's turn as Inspector Javert. Following up his...
While Iceland is not the first country many would associate with cinema, it's very much alive and well in the center of Reykjavik, the country's capital. An...
How do you tease an upcoming film when the entirety of its footage comes from a classic? UK distributors Metrodome have gone the safe route in the first tra...
Released for a painfully brief time in theaters earlier this year, one of our favorite, most eye-opening films of the year is Jafar Panahi's This is Not a F...
Who needs a real poster when you've got Denzel Washington as your lead? Paramount seems to have taken that approach when it comes to their upcoming drama Fl...
Despite getting a bit of a thrashing after its Cannes premiere, one thing is for certain -- Lee Daniels' The Paperboy is something that needs to be seen to ...
As we move closer to the end of the year, this month brings a eclectic slate of festival favorites finally arriving in theaters -- some first premiering las...
After displaying his finest work in years at the Cannes Film Festival this May with the Mad Mikkelsen-led drama The Hunt, Danish director Thomas Vinterberg ...
It's finally here. After wrapping up production last year, we thought Oldboy director Park Chan-wook's first Hollywood feature Stoker was a possible Cannes ...
It's safe to say that The Weinstein Company is set for a stellar fall. Even though the last two years yielded Best Picture wins for the studio, 2012 brings ...