When we last heard about Sin City director Robert Rodriguez possibly taking on the Ryan Reynolds-leading Deadpool spin-off, he had simply been offered. Now LA Times is reporting that he is “negotiating” with Fox on key points and unto a possible deal.

He has Machete coming out in September and will be taking on Spy Kids 4 next but this could potential be his next “big movie and one that can be marketed into a hit.” After spearheading this summers’ Predators and not quite being a massive hit here, it has pulled in over $100mil total which is not bad on its $40m budget. I’m sure Fox is happy Rodriguez can make them for cheap, a big factor in a big superhero film like Deadpool.

Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have written the script. If you don’t like Ryan ReynoldsDeadpool character there is always The Green Lantern, which hits next summer.

Do you want to see a Rodriguez-directed Deadpool?

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