The British cinema––indeed an entire strand of understanding around modern drama––does not exist without Mike Leigh. When it was learned some years ago that Le...
As studios, production houses, and agents return from the holidays and burn off the last energy of this ceaseless, shameless awards season, numerous projects a...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Museum of Modern ArtA major highlight of any filmgoing year, To Save and Project returns.
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Roxy CinemaThe New World shows on 35mm this Sunday.
Film ForumAI: From Metropolis to Ex ...
Perhaps no film this year represents more from a cinematographic standpoint than The Brutalist. A continents- and decades-spanning period piece shot on VistaVi...
As the most-anticipated film of his career began playing to critics and faced down the circus of press junkets and awards screenings, Jarin Blaschke was in Tor...
It may have taken a half-century and well after he made films with any consistency, but Alan Rudolph is at last experiencing a verdant season. Just months sinc...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Film at Lincoln CenterThe noir titan Robert Siodmak is subject of a new retrospective.