If Apocalypse Now has become one of those films about which there is seemingly little left to say, consider -- so long as you're a fan in the first place --...
Much as that headline makes me wish someone was simply playing Mad Libs on a slow news day, The Wrap tells us Aaron Sorkin, on the cusp of Steve Jobs, has s...
In cornering the market on 2015's assassin-centered pictures -- the ones that deserve attention, at least -- Well Go USA Entertainment are throwing a bit of...
No new film that I've seen this year surprises to quite the same extent as Uncle John, a town-and-country, hide-and-seek thriller / romantic comedy-of-sorts...
While he continues to toil away at his three Avatar sequels -- the first of which is still two years away! -- and thus rarely flaunts that unique mix of ear...
If you think you've seen, read, and talked about everything Blue Velvet-related, there's (somehow) a new piece to the puzzle. It's taken 30 years, but the r...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
With Two Days, One Night now available on Criterion Blu-ray and Netflix Watch Instantly, the Dardennes' latest, possibly greatest film is completely open fo...
The first thing to announce itself in The Second Mother is an insistence on never losing sight of Val (Regina Casé), the maid, chef, and occasional surrogate pa...