The first trailer for Anne Fontaine's (Gemma Bovery, Adore) latest feature The Innocents (alternatively titled Agnus Dei) depicts the struggle of a young Re...
After a collection of shorts, Stephen Dunn is making his directorial debut with a coming-of-age tale following a boy named Oscar (Connor Jessup, reoccurring...
Everyone once and a while, a heartbreaking film comes along that is all the more searing when the truth is being handled. Gleason is a documentary that foll...
While Bong Joon-ho has already started shooting Okja, his follow-up to the excellent Snowpiercer, a new cast member is already hopping aboard. Giancarlo Esp...
Sometimes, stories of love, abduction, and espionage don’t have to be concocted by a screenwriter because they already exist. Directors Ross Adam and Robert...
For as long as cinema have been around, so too has horror. As a gut instinct, as a notion of fear, and as a form of expression, horror has been deeply embed...
Writer-director Joe Begos’ (Almost Human) second feature The Mind’s Eye looks to be a psychedelic body-horror picture by way of David Cronenberg with the mo...
The first feature from writer-director JT Mollner has just been treated with its first trailer. Outlaws and Angels follows a seemingly innocent frontier fam...
While cinema is moving pictures, language and dialogue play an essential role in the unfolding of most films. Dialogue is used to reveal character, plot, an...
Robert Eggers' directorial debut followed a 17th-century Puritan family through a nightmare of Grimm proportions. Hailed by many critics as a new modern cla...
Mike Mazzanti is a content project manager at a digital marketing firm by day and a screenwriter at heart. A lover of the outré and the everyday, he is the Resident Genre Enthusiast at The Film Stage and is currently based out of Washington, D.C.