Marking his first feature film since 2016's The Handmaiden, Park Chan-wook is finally returning this fall with Decision to Leave. The Best Director winner at C...
It's nice, every so often, to find yourself squinting and emitting a tiny what the fuck at a production item. I couldn't help—really couldn't help; forgive the...
Early word is out and early word is good: The Fabelmans seems to have reconciled Spielberg's flair for spectacle and wonder with the mundanity of his upbringin...
After searching for treasure in the Amazon and venturing to the far reaches of the galaxy, James Gray is returning home. Armageddon Time finds the director tel...
One of the most exciting directorial debuts of the year, Martine Syms' The African Desperate is an electrifying ride through the day in the life of Palace Brya...
While the likes of Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg have had a relatively easier time finding the resources to get their films realized, not all the New Ho...
With Tony Leung and Andy Lau recently reuniting for the new feature Goldfinger, it's only fitting that restorations of the iconic Hong Kong stars' crime trilog...
The first feature to open both the Venice and New York Film Festival, Noah Baumbach's adaptation of the Don DeLillo masterwork White Noise arrives with much an...
Following 2001's In the Bedroom and 2006's Little Children, writer-director Todd Field will finally return with the long-awaited TÁR, a drama set in the world ...
If you conceived a child on the opening night of James Cameron's Avatar they would nearly be a teenager by the time Avatar: The Way of Water opens this Decembe...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.