Premiering at Sundance 25 years after his seminal second feature film, Slacker, Richard Linklater: Dream is Destiny, produced for the PBS series American Master...
Perhaps the most inside-baseball of films at Sundance this year, JJ Garvine and Tai Parquet’s Film Hawk is an intimate look at film consultant extraordinaire Bo...
An exploration of movement, motion, liminality, childhood and racial politics, The Fits is a fascinating psychological study of Toni (fearlessly played by Royal...
When it works, it works -- and, more often than not, Dirty Grandpa lands big, sometimes awkward laughs. While more Todd Phillips than Solondz, director Dan Maze...
We get it. Ice Cube is the stone-cold straight man and Kevin Hart is incapable of subtly. The first Ride Along was an occasionally fun romp; imperfect, but it k...
Foregoing the emotion at the core of Juan José Campanella’s Oscar-winning drama The Secret in Their Eyes, Billy Ray’s cold procedural remake (titled Secret in T...
Love the Coopers is as problematic as its title. Does it mean love from the Coopers or is it a statement that someone loves the Coopers (perhaps its narrator --...
Conceived well before Slate’s Forrest Wickman would argue against subtlety, The 33 could be a poster child for his essay: here’s a film that doesn’t beat around...
For the uninitiated, Samba Gadjigo and Jason Silverman’s Sembene! offers a valuable entry into the canon of African cinema and its founding father: the late, gr...
Making her narrative directorial debut, actress Ally Walker's earnest, if not subtle Sex, Death and Bowling is by no means a groundbreaking film on any of these...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.