Life for a woman like Elmas (Ecem Uzun) in Turkey is a living nightmare. An eighteen-year old all but sold to a willing husband (Serkan Keskin's Koca) much olde...
With a title like Catfight and the only available image showing a bloodied and battered chokehold between Anne Heche and Sandra Oh, our expectations are forced ...
If my limited experience with Philip Roth adaptations is any indication, his novels deal in emotion. There are existential crises concerning identity involved, ...
If forty's the new thirty, twenty-three can easily become the new thirteen. I think first-time director Rasmus Heisterberg would agree as the man behind screenp...
Adolescent hijinks turn tragic on multiple fronts in Fernando Guzzoni's Jesús despite my not being sure there was going to be a solid point to the film until mi...
When your author and illustrator both win Carnegie and Greenaway Medals for the same book, you can bet Hollywood will come knocking. Even though the production ...
TIFF’s Colin Geddes was correct when introducing Ben Wheatley’s bottle episode of a film Free Fire with the words: “This will wake you up.” The gunfire alone ri...
Many films deal with the aftermath of a family death by becoming about how their characters live with the pain -- it changing them into different people. Some d...
Some people can't help themselves from striving to be the best whether that means winning a contest, getting a promotion, earning accolades, or proving you're t...
Writer/director Ashley McKenzie's feature debut Werewolf picks up right where her 2012 short When You Sleep left off. We're back in Canadian squalor on the pove...