As we move into the new year, The Film Stage is looking to expand even further and we have decided to bring some new blood into the team. We are looking for some dedicated people to provide news and possibly original articles and features. Check out the requirements below.

EDIT: Applications closed. Thanks!

  • Passion. You must not only love film, but have expansive knowledge of it’s history, present and future possibilities.
  • Dedication. With a constant stream of news stories, it’s a must that you are on top of all film news and can write up at least 3 posts throughout a normal day. As always, quality is more important than quantity so that number can fluctuate.
  • Skill. It’s necessary to have a strong writing background. At TFS we don’t just copy and paste from the trades. It’s a must to provide at least a 200 word analysis of a news stories and go deep into the background, providing readers with new information.

Age doesn’t matter as long as you can do everything mentioned above.  Also, for now we are all doing this for free as our ad revenue (barely) covers the costs to keep the site going. We are all doing this because we simply love to write about film and share that passion to the far ends of the interwebs. As we attract more viewers and opportunities, payment per post will definitely become a possibility in the future, but not something that we can’t provide initially.

If you are interested, please e-mail [email protected] with the following:

  • A intro paragraph/cover letter with your personal background and reasons why you want to become a part of The Film Stage.
  • 2 (two) writing samples between 300-500 words. It must be related to film and can be a news analysis, review, article, etc. If you don’t have anything just write up a news story like you would if you had the gig.
  • Your top five favorites films of 2009 and five film sites you regularly visit.

All applications due by January 20th, 2010. We appreciate your interest and can’t wait to add some people to the TFS team!

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