In 2012, Taiwanese documentary filmmaker Chang Jung-chi made his narrative feature debut with Touch of Light. The first time effort paid off, as the drama, whic...
Last year’s TIFF was a busy festival for Jake Gyllenhaal, with the premieres of two Denis Villeneuve features, Enemy and Prisoners. Though he premiered only...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration...
The first words in Colin Geddes’ TIFF description for Vanguard selection Spring are, “Before Sunrise gets a supernatural twist.” Naturally, I pushed everything ...
Returning to festival circuit after some perhaps uninspired choices, we praised the performances from Al Pacino in both The Humbling (review) and Manglehorn...
Director Kriv Stenders left the audience seated for his latest film Kill Me Three Times with the words, "I hope you have as much fun watching as we had making i...
Harkening back to the era of its setting, Bang Bang Baby embraces the over-the-top aesthetic of 1963 entertainment with small town girl Stepphy (Jane Levy) drea...
It’s been a while since the U.S. has produced a good sex comedy for and about adults. The last film exploring this territory, Sex Tape, is one I wish I had forg...
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s newest movie, Spring, doesn’t seem near as cheery as the season. Premiering recently at TIFF as part of the Vanguard prog...
“Dictatorships are banal” might be the main thesis of Songs from the North, a curious essay film from Soon-Mi Yoo (who contributed a segment to Far From Afghani...