Following a successful bow at Telluride and Toronto, Fox and Disney have released a new trailer for James Mangold's Logan follow-up Ford v Ferrari. Set duri...
After an explosive last ten years or so that kicked off with Hunger and Inglourious Basterds, Michael Fassbender has left the spotlight recently. Call it a ...
Quentin Dupieux’s Deerskin can essentially be summarized as Divorced Guy Energy: The Movie. A ribbing of masculinity that alternates between bone-dry and morbid...
It's hard to discuss Crazy World without mentioning the experience of seeing it. As the final screening of TIFF’s Midnight Madness programme, the film was accom...
Teenagers get plenty of flack these days with derogatory labels thrust upon them by older generations refusing to truly look outside their window at how much th...
The thesis of the impeccably directed Dogs Don't Wear Pants is that you can teach a dog new tricks, especially if that dog has a threshold and an appetite for e...
One of the most famous Americans who has ever lived, despite being born in the humblest circumstances imaginable; whose life was full of heroic actions with lif...
The story of AFL superstar and Australian of the Year-recipient Adam Goodes should resonate for Americans who've been following the crusade of former NFL quarte...
True History of the Kelly Gang opens with a title card stating that nothing in the film is actually true, a convenient choice for director Justin Kurzel as it l...
A filmmaker perhaps too prolific for his own good, Lou Ye takes his latest spin ‘round the festival circuit with Saturday Fiction, a movie stuffed to bursting w...