God Help The Girl, the directorial debut from Stuart Murdoch, the lead singer of the band Belle and Sebastian, is an unusual hybrid of indie musical and coming-...
Jamie Marks is dead, we learn during the opening shots of the latest film from Carter Smith. Although some causes are hinted at, there’s no answer to the cause ...
He may be getting attention for his acclaimed drama Philomena, as well as the recent Sundance debut of his entertaining sequel The Trip to Italy, but Steve ...
One great aspect of the Sundance Film Festival is the occasional discovery of potential new and important voices in American cinema. Dear White People, the debu...
Comedian David Cross, best known for his work on Mr. Show and his role as Tobias Bluth in Arrested Development, makes his directorial debut with Hits, a scornfu...
Inventive science-fiction films are very difficult to pull off, even more so when working with a small budget and limited resources. That didn't stop director W...
Concluding today is the 30th Sundance Film Festival and while we've still got a handful of reviews and features to come, they've announced their jury and au...
Nostalgia can be an unwieldy tool in the world of filmmaking. Few features manage to effectively capture the charms of a certain time period, either going overb...
During White Bird in a Blizzard, our lead Kat Connors (Shailene Woodley), is browsing records with a friend (Gabourey Sidibe) and a poster for David Lynch's deb...