The narrative directorial debut of film scholar, curator, and documentary filmmaker Kent Jones elicits an awful lot of anticipation. Often, first features conta...
Due to the childish spat between Cannes and Netflix, it means we won't be seeing the most monumental release of 2018, Orson Welles' posthumous film The Othe...
Josh and Benny Safdie’s Good Time was a thrilling, vibrant crime drama, and we named it the best film of 2017. Although the brothers recently announced they...
Recently completing one of the longest shoots of his career with The Irishman, most other directors would consider that an accomplishment enough, but in between...
After announcing the opening night film, Lisa D’Apolito's documentary Love, Gilda, the complete lineup for the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival has been unveiling...
Michael Mann began his career as a visual storyteller on television. He wrote episodes of Starsky and Hutch, directed the made for TV film The Jericho Mi...
" Kiarostami represents the highest level of artistry in the cinema," Martin Scorsese once said. Passing away at the age of 76, the Iranian master filmmaker...