After a fairly quiet summer––outside of a few gems––the fall movie season is near and there's much to anticipate. As we do each year, after highlighting t...
The first feature to open both the Venice and New York Film Festival, Noah Baumbach's adaptation of the Don DeLillo masterwork White Noise arrives with much an...
Continuing his prolific, run-and-gun style of filmmaking, we reported about a year ago that Abel Ferrara was following his pandemic thriller Zeros and Ones wit...
While making his name with his striking music videos for the likes of M.I.A., Jay-Z & Kanye West, Jamie xx, and more, French director Romain Gavras has als...
Following up his World War I epic 1917, director Sam Mendes is jumping about 70 years in the future for Empire of Light, a 1980s-set tale about the power of ci...
Following Main Slate, Spotlight, and Currents, the 60th New York Film Festival have now unveiled its final film-focused section with Revivals. Featuring brand-...
In A Little Love Package, Vienna's institutions, people, buildings, and overlapping epochs make for a stiff drink: a bright, effervescent, lightly intoxicating...
In Tales of the Purple House, French-Iraqi filmmaker Abbas Fahdel and his wife, Lebanese artist Nour Ballouk, offer a collaborative video diary of the last few...
The few people bobbing up in Ana Vaz’s It Is Night in America are anonymous ciphers, their faces scarcely (if at all) visible, protruding limbs or silhouettes ...
Following the Main Slate and Spotlight announcements, the 60th New York Film Festival has unveiled its Currents section. The slate of boundary-pushing work fea...