With a Hamaguchi-like approach to 2022, Claire Denis premiered her stellar, small-scale melodrama Both Sides of the Blade at Berlinale and now debuts a higher-...
From The Shallows to Crawl, the man (or woman, in those cases) vs. beast subgenre of thriller has had a new resurgence. Now, it's Everest and 2 Guns director B...
“Congratulations… it’s a murder.” A backwards thing to celebrate? Not when you’re a droll insomniac detective who’s only happy (read: not miserable) when you’r...
The deranged lunatics populating Owen Kline’s absurdist, bleakly hilarious Funny Pages are all somewhat anachronistic; loners who gravitate around old things a...
Anyone looking to take the temperature of Cristian Mungiu’s first film in six long years should heed the words of Matthias, his most recent downtrodden protago...
MUBI's U.S. lineup for next month has been unveiled, including some essential recent releases, notably James Vaughan's Friends and Strangers, Radu Muntean's În...
David Bowie’s tranquil voice seeps in over a black screen, waxing poetic philosophy about the infinity and complexity of time. Letters incrementally fade in on...
Ali Abbasi’s Border, an adaptation of a short story by Let the Right One In author John Ajvide Lindqvist, put its director on the map as one fluent in a dark g...
Born from a decision to combine two aughts-era sketches that weren't quite working on their own, filmed in 2018 (stewarded with the help of Danny Leiner, who p...
Following The Arbor, The Selfish Giant, and Dark River, British director Clio Barnard’s latest work is once again set in Bradford and this time focuses on a lo...