Set photos have emerged featuring Glenn Close (Fatal Attraction) and Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) from the upcoming film by director Rodrigo García (Mother and Child). The film, which is based on a play co-written by Close in the 80’s, tells the story of a struggling woman in 19th century Ireland that dresses as a man in order to get work as a butler. Close will reprise the title role of Albert Nobbs for this film adaptation. JustJared posted pictures from the set that showcase Close in full drag along with her co-star, Wasikowska:

for full photos visit JustJared.

This is clearly a passion project for Close, who has been trying to get this project off the ground for years, and could be her bid to get back into the Oscar race. The veteran star, who most recently won a string of Emmy’s for her work on the TV show Damages, has been nominated for 5 Oscars without a single win.

What do you think of Close dressed as a man? Could Albert Nobbs finally win her a long overdue Oscar?

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