Remember how Avatar is currently raking in more money (and it just set the China opening day record) than Fox has ever seen? I’m sure one can account a whole lot of that gross to the 3D aspect and now we are seeing studios clamoring away at making their next movie in 3D. We have seen this with Warner Brothers and Robin Hood, Universal and Clash of the Titans, and MGM and The Cabin In The Woods. Now MGM is at it again with Darren Aronofsky‘s Robocop. Imagine an indie auteur that only makes films his way and 3D technology. Yeah, I don’t see that working well either. A writer from Robocop Archive (via The Playlist) had this to say about the project:

I’ve spoken with Phoenix Pictures [and] asked them about the status of “RoboCop. They told me that the project is on hold. The problem is that Mary Parent, Chairperson of MGM, wants a 3D movie for the new ‘RoboCop.’ But, as you know, Darren Aronofsky is a real artist and he’s not interested in gimmicks like 3D, CGI, filming digital. He wants to do everything as real (organic) as possible just like ‘The Fountain.’

I can only assume this means Darren Aronofsky is off the project. With his new film, Black Swan, currently shooting and how he has previously spoken out against 3-D, I just can’t see this happening. Head over to The Playlist to see a summary of all the other projects he has coming up as well. It’s a shame as Aronofsky’s idea of Robocop was a gritty, realistic, ultra-dark version. I would have loved to see that.

Do you think MGM and Aronosfky can come to an agreement, or do you see this project going in a different direction?

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