In the new movie The August Virgin, a young woman named Eva wanders the sidewalks and watering holes of Spain's sunny capital on a series of increasingly hot, c...
Life can seldom offer us neat endings. Cinema sometimes can, and there is something nicely fitting to the notion that Agnès Varda, the seventh art's great celeb...
There are roughly two key types of autobiographical auteur movies. One is the phantasmagoric childhood upbringing kind–as in Fellini's Amarcord or, more recentl...
The new film from Casey Affleck arrives at the tail end of a smattering of telling coincidences and sliding door moments. In February 2017, he won an Academy Aw...
What a difference a day makes. Allowing one's characters to move from narrative point A to narrative point B in the same amount of time it takes for the Earth t...
In The Climb–as occasionally in life–friendship can be an uphill struggle at the best of times. So how about the worst?
Michael Angelo Covino’s auspicious feat...
Professional football (or soccer, if it pleases) has never really lent its wonders to the big screen. Lacking the glitz of North America's more popular team spo...
The phrase a "white, white day" refers to a moment when the landscape and sky are so dense with snow, mist or fog that it is no longer clear where the two meet....
Had you searched the words "Family Romance" a few weeks before the Cannes Film Festival you would have come across a site for a Tokyo-based business. You would...
Quentin Tarantino returns in a haze of cigarettes, cocktails, razzle-dazzle, and psychedelic rock with Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood, a jarring concoction of...
Irish-born, Berlin-based, Rory O'Connor has been covering the European film festival circuit since 2012. A regular contributor to The Film Stage, his work has also appeared in Frieze, The Playlist, and CineVue.