The final days of suburban American high school provide the backdrop to Giants Being Lonely, a box-fresh cut of expressionistic filmmaking from debut writer-dir...
After breaking onto the international scene in David Michöd’s Animal Kingdom in 2010, the actor’s star has continued to rise. We caught up with him at the Marrakech Film Festival....
With three features to date, Brazilian filmmaker Kleber Mendonça Filho has distinguished himself as one of the most eclectic voices in world cinema. We caught up with the director at the Marrakech International Film Festival....
Milla is not the first terminally stricken teen girl to grace a coming-of-age film, nor will she be the last. She may, however, be the most precocious: kitted o...
Disregard the glowing reviews and eight-minute standing ovations. What really adds fuel to film festival publicity fires are the boos, the walkouts, the affect...
Gene Kelly likes to sing in it, Spider-Man is known to kiss in it, but moody old melodrama remains the most reliable companion to rain at the movies. This is at...
What road should one take when approaching a film like An Officer and a Spy? On one hand, it is a perfectly robust, informative, prestige-y and even timely dra...
Movies have been named after far less interesting forces than the protagonist of Ema. Played with unblinking gravitas by the Chilean television actress Mariana ...
Irish-born, Berlin-based, Rory O'Connor has been covering the European film festival circuit since 2012. A regular contributor to The Film Stage, his work has also appeared in Frieze, The Playlist, and CineVue.