Deceptively gentle and delightful, High Society is a distinctively French drama of manors from Julie Lopes-Curval who knows this territory intimately. (Lopes-Cu...
Haemoo is an effective moral thriller that immediately mirrors the best work of its co-writer and producer Bong Joon-ho. What starts as slow and straight-forwar...
Adapted from a New Yorker essay and directed by Isabel Coixet (Elegy), Learning to Drive is often tender and delightful. Traversing territory covered in her pre...
Part Todd Solondz, John Waters, Nicole Holofcener, and Bridesmaids, the bitter and cynical Preggoland is a unique comedy. Despite occasionally edging towards ru...
The second collaboration between the artist collective known as The Yes Men and documentarian Laura Nix takes a more personal look behind the collective. The cu...
Directed by Philippe Falardeau (Monsieur Lazhar) with the sense of intimacy required for the material, The Good Lie is a fine film on its own. Its harrowing fir...
It’s been a while since the U.S. has produced a good sex comedy for and about adults. The last film exploring this territory, Sex Tape, is one I wish I had forg...
The quintessential midnight experience, Kevin Smith’s next outing as he transitions from slacker comedy to dark horror is, like most of his films, for the fans....
Inspired by his 2007 documentary Beautiful Young Minds, the feature narrative debut of Morgan Matthews, A Brilliant Young Mind, is a confidently directed versio...
A few artists, a marine biologist, geochemist, geographer, zoologist, archaeology and a photographer take a sail to a part of Greenland that’s only accessible f...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.