Playwright Radha Blank’s spirited directorial debut The 40-Year-Old Version in an often hilarious and heartfelt autobiographical tale of reinvention. Surrounde...
A profound and poetic passage and a playful Fitzcarraldo allusion aside, Omniboat: A Fast Boat Fantasia is a shockingly bad picture. Omnibus (er, boat) flicks ...
Lush and elegant with beautiful performances, the jazzy period melodrama Sylvie’s Love plays many notes exceptionally well. It’s a shame its plotting and pacin...
Opening with a jarring, heart-stopping scene in which David (Clayne Crawford) points a gun at his sleeping wife, Robert Machoian’s The Killing of Two Lovers is...
Any community or movement requires the support of curators and fans to flourish. Spike and Mike are credited with investing in a market where one didn’t exist ...
A fascinatingly restrained if somewhat flawed study in masculinity, Andrés Clariond’s Close Quarters (Territorio) is an often engrossing slow-burn thriller set...
Following our top 50 films of 2019, we're sharing personal top 10 lists from our contributors. Check out the latest below and see our complete year-end coverag...
Sophia Takal’s reimagining of Black Christmas cuts past the male gaze, creating a send-up of the genre in the era of Time's Up. A somewhat revolutionary film in...
Without having seen the entirety of the Up series, which revisits the same subjects chosen from various walks of British life in 1964 at age seven, the latest i...
A masterful work of sensory ethnography even if falls a bit short of having an emotional impact, Anbessa is a tender and observant film that recalls the works o...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.