A witch that feeds on forgotten children has taken hold of a sleepy lakeside village in Michigan. It's because its victims are "forgotten," however, that nobody...
All Agent D.T. Gagano (Daniel Tadesse) wants is to retire from the CIA and help his love Malin (Gerda-Annette Allikas) open the best kickboxing joint the world ...
Malignant forces within Catholic tales of evil generally seek to create Hell on Earth by finding a host willing to read the ancient words serving as their key. ...
How would a movie narrated by a catfish feel? While the animal probably has a good view of what's going on, would it understand? And when people use it as a sta...
It's funny where the mind can go when you only know a few details at first. That John Adams and Toby Poser's latest family-fueled film The Deeper You Dig is hor...
It's been years since a demonic entity has seen the woman it loves—she who conjured it to the surface before being driven out from the place in which she did. T...
It's the beginning of the end for Angus Stewart (Richard Dreyfuss). His wife recently passed after a difficult and costly bout with dementia, his heart isn't wh...
We don't get our bearings as far as locale and characters go until a little ways into Alexandre Carrière's Jade's Asylum. While we've already met Jade (Morgan K...
A one-man show on-screen and behind it, Gints Zilbalodis' Away is an obvious labor of love. Opening like a videogame wherein our lead is found dangling by parac...
Director Hideo Nakata brought novelist Kôji Suzuki's Ring series to the big screen two decades ago and spawned a laundry list of sequels, American remakes (one ...