
Denis Leary‘s production company Apostle Films has released its plans after his FX show Rescue Me ends in 2011. The only one Variety highlighted that peaked my interest, aside from a CBS comedic drama starring Michael Rapaport, was mention of a TV series based on Andrew Niccol‘s overlooked 1997 sci-fi masterpiece Gattaca. The only hard information is that they “plan to develop [it] as a one-hour police procedural set in the future.” It would be written by Gil Grant, who has worked on 24 and NCIS and developed by Sony TV’s international division.

A police procedural in the future could be interesting, especially in the world of Gattaca. If this does go into production I have hard time believing they can capture the magic from the film. Although I did enjoy the first couple seasons of 24 so I will definitely give this a try.

In much more interesting news Andrew Niccol‘s next film The Cross starring Orlando Bloom is looking a release in 2010.

Did you like Gattaca? Can you see it becoming a TV show?

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