Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Recently in an interview with Ain’t It Cool News Robert Zemeckis revealed that him and Bob Hoskins still consider the idea of a sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Zemeckis and Hoskins just worked together on the upcoming motion capture adaptation of A Christmas Charol. When asked about whether they ever talk about Eddie Valiant he stated, “Oh yes, he always has them with me. He loves Eddie Valiant and he would love to do it. We talk about it and it’s something we are thinking about.”  Zemeckis was also asked today at Comic Con whether a sequel could still happen and while he was coy at first, he revealed, “I will tell you this, if that ever does happen, the 2D characters from the original movie will remain 2D. They will not be dimensionalized. Not to say there wont be 3D.”

Who Framed Roger Rabbit has always been one of my favorite films, maybe a little nostalgia is apart of that reason, buts its a movie that is too hard not to love. I’ve never really thought a sequel was necessary and I still don’t, but its definitely not a bad idea. I don’t need to see Eddie Valiant back on the big screen, but I also wouldn’t mind if Eddie Valiant brought back to theaters. This could also never happen, which wouldn’t be surprising since its been talked about for years, but maybe this will be like the Tron situation. Years and years of hearing rumors about a sequel and now its finally happening.

Do you still want to see a sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

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