
Here is our first episode of The Film Stage Podcast. Recorded by Jordan Raup and Dan Mecca, you can stream it below or download the mp3:

Download the mp3 (right-click and save as): The Film Stage Podcast Episode 1 – I Love You, Man and Killshot Reviews

Intro Music: Rush – Tom Sawyer

(00:36) Transformers 3 Release Date
(06:05) Spiderman 4 News

Looking Back at Older Films
(12:20) Bridget Jones’s Diary
(22:31) Top Gun

(31:41) Killshot
(41:50) Watchmen Rant
(45:28) I Love, You Man

Upcoming Movies
(1:00:19) Duplicity
(1:04:47) Knowing

Thanks for listening! If you have a question or comment we can answer/discuss on the next podcast e-mail us at [email protected] and please send us your feedback!

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