Despite the rich texture of its late-1970s setting—the beginning of the latch-key kid era—Scott Derrickson’s The Black Phone fails to transcend its central pre...
Kicking off this Thursday is one of the finest annual showcases in indie filmmaking, BAMcinemaFest, taking place at BAM Rose Cinemas. Among both well-curated h...
It’s the final day of the 2022 Cannes Film Festival and Darius Khondji is reminiscing. “The films that inspired me to be a cinematographer,” he explained, dipp...
As complex and conflicted as the man himself, Rudy! A Documusical––which premiered on the same evening as the first primetime January 6 hearing––never quite kn...
Lee Jung-jae’s writing, directing, and producing debut Hunt is a tricky film, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. At its heart this is a 50-50 blend of The Raid and JF...
A random VHS tape of a Mcdonald's janitorial training video serves as ground zero for Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher’s lifelong obsession with obscure video clip...
Leah's (Ellie Kendrick) reasons for being in Denmark are purely academic. At least, that's what she tells former actress Maja (Josephine Park) upon meeting by ...
It has been nearly 45 years since the death of Marc Bolan, a.k.a., T. Rex., at the shockingly young age of 29. Yet five decades after the heyday of glam rock, ...
If the apocalypse comes, we’re all screwed. Fancying himself a survivor with a desire to provide for his family should “things go south," Joe (Clayne Crawford)...
According to Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés in Women who Run with the Wolves, the "Bone Woman," or La Huesera, "collects and preserves that which is in danger of b...