Iuli Gerbase’s The Pink Cloud starts off with a disclaimer: “This film was written in 2017 and shot in 2019. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidenta...
In 1971, Björn Andrésen was the most beautiful boy in the world. In 2019, he’s the elder of a neopagan commune in rural Sweden, whose inability to commit suici...
The current state of American animated cinema is more than a little disappointing; Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, and more regurgitate the same formula and offer n...
Following the 2019-2020 school year, Homeroom sets itself up for more than it could have originally anticipated. It’s the senior year for a swath of Oakland Hi...
It’s hard to judge Siân Heder’s Coda outside of its context: being one of the opening feature films to the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, a (now-virtual) place k...
Somewhere in Bangkok, Aood (Ice Natara) sits alone in a car listening to the radio. Meanwhile in New York, Boss (Tor Thanapob) yuks it up with the ladies as a ...
Starting today, the 2021 Sundance Film Festival gives us a first glimpse at the year in cinema, and this year it's available to a wider audience than ever befo...
The 2021 Sundance Film Festival, beginning Thursday, will look quite different. Forging ahead during the pandemic, they've to continue offering some of the yea...
While U.S. distribution has been improved in the last few years when it comes to the vast, rich offerings of Japanese cinema, there are still many gems that go...
The 2021 Sundance Film Festival is just around the corner and there's a handful of high-profile premieres in which a notable actor is making their directorial ...