As we anxiously await the (presumably) cocaine-free adventures of Paddington 3, there's another bear in town. Directed by Elizabeth Banks and scripted by Jimmy...
In an era of remake/reboot/dredging-up-old-IP fever, the logical next step was a rebranding of Charlie’s Angels. Written, produced, and directed by Elizabeth Ba...
The reboot button was once again hit for Charlie's Angels. Following McG's early 2000s films and even a 2011 television series, Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts' o...
Brutal and bludgeoning, David Yarovesky's Brightburn is a film designed to knock the breath from your chest and subvert expectations. An alien infant crash-land...
The Lego Movie largely succeeded for two reasons: one, Lord & Miller’s gag-heavy comedic sensibility meshed well with Animal Logic’s kinetic, stop-motion-in...
Following the news they would open with the world premiere of Jordan Peele's Us, the 2019 South by Southwest by Southwest Film Festival have announced their...
The opening sequence of Pitch Perfect 3 finds the Bellas aboard a luxury yacht doing a version of Britney Spears’ “Toxic” that feels even more synthetic than th...
The history of America’s transgression tied to the separation of church and state has never occurred without strong opposition. The Most Hated Woman in Amer...