It's happening again. The news we've been waiting for since the Twin Peaks revival was announced back in October 2014 arrived today. Showtime revealed that ...
Can you feel it? We're only two weeks away from the year when a new season of Twin Peaks arrives. Knowing the anticipation full well, Showtime has been fair...
After being behind the Adult Swim viral sensation Too Many Cooks, the production team of Fake Wood Wallpaper Films brought their latest film, The Arbalest, ...
Twin Peaks' resurrection was announced more than two years ago, and David Lynch began rolling cameras with his huge, insane collection of actors more than a...
Before David Lynch was a filmmaker, he was a struggling painter, whose lifeblood was to “drink coffee, smoke cigarettes, and paint." That’s what he dubbed "the ...
If you've endlessly rewatched the films of David Lynch and are looking to appreciate his work in a new way, John Malkovich is here to help. In a new inventi...
At Fantastic Fest, the largest genre film festival in the United States, you tend to get two types of films. First, there’s the wacky, chimerical, excess-for-th...