Portraying one of the most affecting relationships of the year, Abdellatif Kechiche's Adèle Exarchopoulos- and Léa Seydoux-led drama Blue Is The Warmest Col...
While most directors likely never dreamt of having their first film under their belt by the age of 25, Québec's Xavier Dolan will have five of them by the t...
With an uptick in the trend these last few years, Hollywood has been working furiously on creating the perfect set of character posters for their latest relea...
"I wanted the film to be dark, to be nocturnal, and with the RED Epic, this darkness is not an easy thing, because it’s a camera that sees everything," Clai...
After taking a trip to Hawaii for The Descendants, director Alexander Payne is returning to his roots in more ways than one with his next project. Set for a...
Every week we dive into the cream of the crop when it comes to home releases, including Blu-ray and DVDs, as well as recommended deals of the week. If we we...
If the last few years are any indication, the Academy Awards have been more on-point with their Best Foreign Language Film selection than their Best Pict...
Some four years after White Material, the inimitable Claire Denis has reentered our sights with Bastards -- a picture which, though very clearly the result of...
As much as we're greatly anticipating the next film from Joel and Ethan Coen, the amount of footage we've been showered with is approaching overkill levels....
While this month sees the release of a handful of the year's finest films, there's still much more in store. Today brings new behind-the-scenes looks at two...