
With Nine being released very soon director Rob Marshall has been out and about doing press. Coming Soon had a chance to sit down with him and they uncovered some facts about the next entry into Pirates series, On Stranger Tides:

We’re still trying to figure out if it’s going to all happen. If it happens–I think Johnny’s doing a movie with Angelina Jolie in the spring [The Tourist] — so if it happens, we’ll start in the summer, and we’ll see. I’m excited. If it happens, it happens. I’d be thrilled. I just love Johnny and I’m excited about the genre.

When asked about where he would take the movie visually:

I would need a script first. It all comes from the script and the story. You serve the story and you find out what the story is and then you work from there, that’s it. It’s simple.

I can’t imagine this movie not being made, as the massive box office the previous three have accumulated. The only question is when…and nobody seems to have that figured out.

Do you want to see another entry into the Pirates series? What about with Marshall directing?

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