
Variety  is now reporting that Peter Berg’s has officially signed on to direct Battleship, and adaptation of the classic board game. This film is a part of Berg’s new two picture deal with Universal. Berg originally intended on directing a war film set in the Middle East titled Lone Survivor, but Universal obviously was more interested in Battleship. Berg plans to move onto Lone Survivor after he’s finished on Battleship. Universal is hoping to gear up soon to make a July 2011 release date.

The good news is that this ultimately delays the inevitable Hancock 2, the bad news is that this also delays Dune. It’s still good news since Berg won’t be working on Hancock 2 too soon and hopefully he never does, Hancock is by far his weakest film. It seems with every news associated with Berg now seems to lead to Dune being pushed back; I doubt it will even hit screens before 2014. As for Battleship the movie, the only reason why it’s not a bad idea is because Berg is directing it.

Are you excited about Peter Berg directing Battleship?

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